giovedì 22 ottobre 2009

Orecchiette with peppers and mushrooms!

Ingredients: 500g of orecchiette, 1 yellow pepper, 200g of cream (used for cooking), 50g of tomato sauce, 1 onion, 50g of extra virgin oil, 50g of Parmesan, 50g of tuna.

Method: in a frying pan, brown the onion and the thinly-sliced pepper and tuna. Add the tomato sauce, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook for 10 minutes and add the cream at the end. In a separate pot, boil the orecchiette for 5 minutes, drain them and add them to the frying pan with all the ingredients. Sauté everything for approximately 4 minutes, add Parmesan and serve it . In the picture there isn't the pepper, but just tomatoes...

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